Workshop Digital Sociology 2022

Workshop Digital Sociology 2022

Aims and Scope

The workshop is focused on attracting Early-Career Researchers (PhD Students, Postdoctoral Researchers) in the field of Digital Sociology willing to discuss their Work in Progress (WIP) in an academic environment to improve their work for publication. This virtual workshop is the first conference organized by the Digital Sociology Thematic Group (TG10), working under the International Sociological Association (ISA).

Every submitted paper will have two discussants: a peer (participant in the workshop) and a senior researcher. After reading the work, the discussant swill share their comments about the piece and foster a dialogue with the author, aiming to improve the quality of the work regarding theoretical suggestions, stylistic improvements, missing references, methodological/analytical proposals, etc.

Este es el punto de reunión para los miembros de la Asociación Venezolana de Sociología. Nuestro principal interés es proporcionar información a los sociólogos venezolanos, ya sea que formen parte de la AVS o no.
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